What's going on right now in Club Penguin?

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Blog Closed

Helo everyone unfortunately I'm deleting my blog because nobody is looking at it, and I dont like being administrator so I became an author of somewhere else please come to this site: http://cpjustforfun.blogspot.com

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Sorry this isnt a post about cp i just made a picture about someone that owns a cp blog his name is rrblack and im an author of his site please go there and comment by clicking his name well anyways if u see rr tell him to read this blog post because i made an edited pic well here it is:
please dont forget to follow the blog if you have blogger or anything

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Thursday, June 11, 2009


hey guys! i am having a party for me joining! come on bunny hill right now! i am serius!

Hey! im new here!

Hello! my name is wicedpen! i am a new author! aclen is a cool penguin. i am 631 on cp! thats all for now! from wicedpen

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Spot the Difference Contest!

Hey all!
Today, I wanna do something called 'Spot the Difference'. Rules are no cheating by looking at the comments, and the first one to get it right will get to be an author for my blog if they have blogger and be granted admin priveliges. If you also won shortly after the Grand Prize Winner, you'll be an author too, but you won't be granted admin privileges.

Spot the Difference between the edited Ski Village and the real Ski Village!
The differences do NOT include that I have a member badge instead of a star. I made it a little easy, but there's a tricky one... Good luck! (comment and don't email)

June Clothing Caalog Cheats for 2009


It's Summer right now in Club Penguin, and the catalog has all these fancy swimsuits everyone can wear! Cp also included that hairstyle we voted earlier in May, remember? It's called 'The Electric'. Well, so anyways here are this month's catalog cheats.

To get the Canteen, first go to the 3rd page and click the rock on the left.
Secondly, go to the first page of the Medieval Clothes and click on the stone top right of the King's Head to get the Crystal Staff.On that same page, click on the window near the Topaz Penguin to get the Woodman's Hat(the one that Robin Hood wears)
Turn to the next page, and click the dragon's Shadow to get the Blue Dragon Costume.
To get the Black Graduation Cap, turn to the next page and click on the left Coffee Cup. Then go 3 pages after that, and click the intersection between the two spotlights to get the RED Viking helmet.
Open and close it four times to receive the Blue Viking Helmet!That's all the cheats in this month's clothing Catalog! What's your favourite clothing and background?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Clothing Catalog Sneaker Peaker and About the Adventure Party!!

Greetings Penguins worldwide!

Hi there! Sorry I haven't been posting for a while. I've been too busy doing stuff. Well, newais Club Penguin showed us a sketch that can give us an idea about what's in this month's clothing Catalog!

There's the blue wig we chose earlier in May!! Don't forget that will be in the catalog! And, look! A new dress for members. I feel sorry for the nonmembers. Also, Club Penguin announced on their blog about a new party! Uhh.. is it just me, or have they not found out they had blurted it out on the events section? It's on an earlier post that's still on the homepage below-low. They even sort of gave us a hint with the homepage.

See you around penguins!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Whos B'day.MY bday. Its my b'day.I got a dsi.YIPPE!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

One Of You Are Very Naughty

That's it. I'm changing Mim O777's password. Someone who is naughty and decides to ruin it for others has decided to ban it. GREAT! Thanks a lot whoever did it. I was going to do something else for you but now, I'm cancelling it. JUST THANKS! Now its banned for the next 24 hours!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Authors Needed

Guys, if you have an email account, which is easy to make, I extremely need your help. I really need people to start contributing because it's hard for me. Authors are needed badly. Please be generous, and contribute or spread the word! You're great!
To contribute, comment or email me your email address and an email will be sent asking if you would like to contribute. If you are commenting, I won't post your comment because it's private. Thank-you if you are helping! If you become one, you'll become my buddy on Club Penguin!

Card Deck Icon Is Here And A New Note For None Ninjas On The Ninja Door!

After a few days of waiting, Club Penguin has finally released the all-new Club Penguin Card Deck Icon. So if you are in the Dojo Courtyard, Ninja Hideout or Dojo, you can always view how many cards you have and your progress towards the next belt. The icon is on the lower right-hand corner.None-ninja preview:(example)To view your cards, click on the button under your progress bar. For ninjas, it will just say that you are already one and so on. Here is a preview:

None-ninjas, have you noticed a note on the Ninja Door? For ninjas, if you're curious, here it is:
Also, there's a new homepage. If you haven't seen it, look below.Getting ready for the Adventure Party!Have you been working hard for the Dojo Igloo Contest? Tell me about it!

How The Club Penguin Times Are Made!

Have you ever wondered how 'hard' it is to create the Club Penguin Times? Most of the writing is by us, but Aunt Arctic's column is by us and Aunt Arctic(Club Penguin Team). CPT actually collect them, and there are sooo many submissions, that it is too hard to choose! Seriously, it takes a long time. That's why we only have them once a week.

I've actually never thought of how hard it is to make the paper. Did you notice the new dot to dot? Check out the paper now!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Adventure Party!

So, we discover the plants that have overgrown are now causing us to have a party. Yes, adventurers during June 12-16 will be your lucky days! Explore and have fun. The newspaper said it. See? Also, Club Penguin has announced for the reviewers of Club Penguin that next week's issue will hold the last of the 'Reviewed By You'. Starting Thursday June 11 the next question on the What's New Blog. For proof, here is a pic:
I knew about it before Screenhog or Mimo posted it on their blog! I was going to post it last night!

Dojo Iggy Contest!

Attention all ninjas! This is especially for you!
The Dojo Igloo Contest is about to begin! (During June 1-13) Buy a Dojo Igloo from the Ninja Hideout or use your current igloo and decorate it using your ninja mind!20 winners will be selected, and if you're the Grand Prize Winner, you get TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND COINS!!! (25 000 coins) That's a lot. But, don't worry! You have a chance to get some coins too, if you're a runner-up! 15 000 coins for runner-ups. A lot, but ten thousand more coins are betta. Work your hardest. My tip is to not leave so many stuff lying around. Maybe ask a friend to tell you if they like it or not, and if they say it's beautiful, leave it.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I Have A New Account To Share!

Howdy, penguins!

Today, I will be showing you a new account. It's new, but you can do anything you want to do with it. Here are rules for using this account.

1.Do not ban it, or I will change the password and nobody but me will be allowed to use it.
2.Other people are playing with this account, so only have a little bit of friends so everyone has their own.
3.If you want, you can add a membership to it. It's up to you.
4. You can buy puffles, but take care of them.
5. Enjoy this new account, and treat it as if it isn't yours and you're doing your friend a favour.

Penguin Account Details:
Username: Mim O777
Password: everybody

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

New Club Pengun Sports Catalog Sneak Peek

Pool time!! Its the season to be in water, cos it's getting hotter. For those who live Down Under in the southern atmosphere, you're obviously getting colder. Just in a week or two we'll be freezing. In Snowy Mountains already there is snow.

But, we're talking Club Penguin. Wear some short sleeves to keep yourself from getting too hot. Have some yoga or go swimming to cool you down. Summer can sometimes be irritating. Club Penguin doesn't want you getting hot, so if you need swimming gear real soon, check out the Snow and Sports Catalog on Friday.
Would you like a Water Party like last year? I still remember the slide at the Ski Village. Too bad I didn't know there were free items. If you wanna ask why I didn't know, you can, because the answer is this: I was a new penguin that time and the only place I really knew was the Ski Hill.

Rockhopper's Plants Are Going Wacko!

H E L P!! The weird plant species are going cuckoo! In other words, out of CONTROL! They're taking over Club Penguin. They want to control Club Penguin. They want to rule Club Penguin! :-O What can we do?! NOTHING!! Just scream!
I was wondering.. The boxes tell me Club Penguin is planning something. Is this the beginning of one of Herbert's new plans? Is there going to be a plant party?Will we start a new generation of penguins ruled by aliens?

Penguins, I suggest you get ready. Must take action. Hide! Hide in your igloos behind furniture!! Open your igloos for a while, to let some nonmembers in, then after 10 minutes close them! Lock 'em Hide, hide to save the penguin species!

Let me know for other ways to keep safe from our new found enemies! (dun dun dun) Case closed.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Rockhopper's Story

Rockhopper's stories are always short. But here it is anyway.

Rockhopper was drinking something, drinking a barrel of cream soda. Bleagh! So anyways, he was drinking, but then he realised he wasn't drinking cream soda! Can you guess what it was? A barrel of mustard! Double bleagh! He said he should've read the label.

What a weird, short and a little babyish story.

Finally! I Found Rockhopper!

Finally, I Found Rockhopper! He's giving a new background. He even told me a story. I was right next to him. Sorry, I forgot to take pictures, but seriously. I never lie. I promise. The only reason why I found Rockhopper is because of this guy.Skatedude909 was the penguin who told me where he was. I thank him a bunch. So, as you can see, that is the new background he is giving. I have it too no doubt, since I told you I met him. I feel sorry for people who have NEVER EVER in their lives me him. When I was next to Rockhopper I even asked if he could play Mancala with me. But he said he needed to go. Before he did, we had a snowball fight. SO fun. Nxt time I might tell you the story he told us.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Famous Pirate Is Back With A Jungle Ship And New Background And Furniture!!!

Ahoy me harties!
The Captain Rockhopper has returned in his wild jungle ship, the Migrator!!
He's brought some new plants for our garden homes. Don't forget the background too! To get it from the Pirate Catalog, all you have to do is simply waddle to the Ship's Hold then click on the space underneath where it says 'Pirate Treasure' or click on the catalog on the bottom right hand corner.
For nonmembers and members, there's a new background, the overgrown Ship Background. It looks very familiar.. Where have I seen it before? Do you know?
For the members, there are new pottery and plants for them. Nice for your garden igloos. Maybe make an overgrown Ship?
Also, I want to show you a pic relating to the Jungle Migrator.
What a grumpy jungle penguin! He's related to Tarzan! There isn't that much a difference!
It's not rude. Seriously. Otherwise, they wouldn't put it as a show. Comparing a penguin to Tarzan is funny. lol

Happy77 Talks About The Haunting of the Viking of Opera and Card Jitsu Update

Haunting of the Viking Opera
Greetings, penguins!
Happy77 talks about how the team got an idea of that Viking Play. You know it right?
Anyways, here are a few Q&A that might tell you more how they had the idea of the play.
Tell us what it's like to write a Club Penguin play from the first idea until you see it on Stage.
It's epic! It starts with an idea like: "Hey! How about a play about Vikings?" and starts snowballing. One minute you have a script, then suddenly you have costumes, a set, music, the works! It's cool when an idea comes to life.
What's the coolest part of this Haunting of the Viking Opera play?
Well it's sort of like "Vikings versus Ghosts", which is a tough one to call. Ghosts are spooky, but Vikings have those pointy-helmets. Both are exciting, doing ghost-y and Viking-y things. Oh man, could you imagine a Viking Ghost? I think I just scared myself!
Do you think Vikings ate candy?
Most definitely. I'm pretty sure that's what the Vikings in the Operas were singing about in the first place: how much they love candy. ;)
Card Jitsu Update
Sometime, in the near future, Club Penguin will be putting these icons in the Dojo Courtyard, Ninja Hideout and Dojo. These card deck icons are for you to see your online card deck and so you can see how close you are for getting the next belt.
Thanks to you lot for this! YOU were the one who requested it! And they did it too! Wow! I am a ninja already. How many more are ninjas out of you penguins out there?
See you!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Migrator Update!

Woah! Is it just me or did the Migrator come real closer to Club Penguin? See it yourself!What are those things there? Is he bringing flowers, trees and vines for our igloos? Did he try and sail here ASAP because the vines covered him and he needs help from us again? What do you think?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Medieval Ninja Winner & Dojo Igloo Contest

Hi all!

Most of you were wearing ninja outfits and medieval clothing, but Club Penguin just couldn't choose! But one day, someone named Puffypower23 waddled along and the team were amazed! They knew she was perfect, and chose her as the winner.

Awesome medieval ninja combination! The team has even given her FIVE THOUSAND coins for wowing them! Lucky! I am kind of jealous..

Also, soon on the 1st of June, there will be a cool Dojo Igloo Contest. Start saving your coins, because you are going to need them to spice up your Dojo Igloo! At your own risk, use the coin cheat I gave you on an earlier post to have enough coins. Later in the month, there will be more news about this in the Club Penguin Times.

I don't know about you, but I've gotta start decorating!

Friday, May 15, 2009

May Furniture Catalog Cheats

Hark! Thy furniture catalog is in ye olde igloo already! Sweet cheats posted here!!
First, click the Medieval Banner on the first page to get the Penguin Knight Sculpture.

Next, click the bottom of the Poodle Plant to get the Wheelbarrow.

Then click the plant in the Vegetable garden on your right.

After that, click the Electric Guitar Shadow Box to get the groovy disco ball!

That's it?! Same, lame boring ones again. The only thing new is the medieval things. At least that's what's keeping me happy.

Waddle on!

If you have any questions, comment on any post, and I will answer or email me on aclen08@live.com and I will email you back. Make sure to name the subject "A Question".

Thursday, May 14, 2009

New Furni 2mrow!

Hi there!

Medieval lovers, get ready for this!
This upcoming Friday, new Furni Catalog! Sa-weet! Now your castles will really be quack-a-lackin great! Keep your Medieval Spirit alive all the time using these great furniture stuff!

Other interesting things..
There's been some ninja buzz around CP, so since there's a Medieval party right now, medieval ninja outifts will be awesome.

Whatever belt you are, mix and match some medieval ninja outfits! Go wild with style!(Don't overdo it) Comment what you think is in the catalog! Maybe Ninja Medieval outifts or something?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wig Colour Chosen!

Hello Penguins!

Many of you have decided on one crazy colour for the hairstyle. That's right, BLUE won! In the June catalog, this will be one new hairstyle, so start saving your coins!

How is the Medieval Party going for you? Great? Awesome! Tell me about it! What was your favourite part? Tonnes of penguin are having many snowball fights and are dressing up as wizards, princesses, kings, queens, princess, jokers and all these fantastic people from the Medieval period! How about you?
Waddle on!

Monday, May 11, 2009

How To Get As Many Coins As You Want

To get as many coins as you want, go to the Coffee Shop and play Bean Counters. Before it says if you want to play, go to your igloo. It will say 'Would you like to play Bean Counters?'. Click 'yes' and start playing. Get as many coins as possible and exit the game. Kepp on closing the game until you have enough coins to keep you satisfied for a while. This is very handy for members, but I warn you. Only try this at your own risk. You can get banned forever. I won't be responsible if you do, it was your choice to follow me. But soon Club Penguin will find out so do it while you have the chance (at your own risk)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hi guys,

I got a cool cheat.

Do this.

Go to stage.

Buy the ghost and flashlight costume.


u should dance and glowing

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Haunting of the Viking Opera - Costume Trunk Cheats

The new 'twistery' play is out! It's called 'The Haunting of the Viking Opera' 'gasps' dun dun dun...
The Costume Catalog has some neat cheats there. Go to the page where Helga sings and click on the little Viking Helmet on the 'g' in the word 'Viking' to get the Red Viking Helmet.
Open and close it four times to get the Blue Viking Helmet!
And even better, the Golden Viking Helmet is out too! When you see the Blue Viking Helmet, click Helga's own Helmet, then behold the even more secret helmet!! Ooh, ahh.
That's all the cheats in the catalog! Cool! But most of you have those stuff, right?

Medieval Party Cheats

The Quest for members awaits in the Cave. Go there, or look for a sign that says 'Knights Needed' and click on it to go to the Cave.
Click on the Instructions and read it to know what to do.
Enter through the gate, and light all the orbs by standing on the platforms nearest to them.
For lighting the orb in the top left hand corner, you need to wait until the bars go down. But you need to be fast, or this is what will happen to you.
After lighting all the orbs, the next gate will open. Get the golden shield on the right.
Here, you need to throw snowballs at the targets that pop up.. On the bottom right hand corner, there will be a sign telling how many more snowballs you have to hit.Tip: Instead of clicking the snowball icon and throwing, press the 't' button on your keyboard rapidly and you'll be sending flying snowballs everywhere! Your fellow friends help you do fifty snowballs.
After that, waddle through the next gate, and here, before you do the puzzling maze mystery, get the Golden Knight's Helmet.
Then , waddle through the maze in this order:
1. Down
If you get lost, don't worry. You won't stay in the maze forever because you will end up in a room where they give you hints. Press the big red button for them.
Then you can go the start and start the quest again. But if you made it, well done! Get the Golden Knight's Armour at the top!
To exit, waddle over the stone path over the water, not around it.
And now, you have completed the Member Quest! In the Gift Shop, click the scroll for the Medieval Party Catalog. But no cheats there.