What's going on right now in Club Penguin?

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Clothing Catalog Sneaker Peaker and About the Adventure Party!!

Greetings Penguins worldwide!

Hi there! Sorry I haven't been posting for a while. I've been too busy doing stuff. Well, newais Club Penguin showed us a sketch that can give us an idea about what's in this month's clothing Catalog!

There's the blue wig we chose earlier in May!! Don't forget that will be in the catalog! And, look! A new dress for members. I feel sorry for the nonmembers. Also, Club Penguin announced on their blog about a new party! Uhh.. is it just me, or have they not found out they had blurted it out on the events section? It's on an earlier post that's still on the homepage below-low. They even sort of gave us a hint with the homepage.

See you around penguins!

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