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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Spot the Difference Contest!

Hey all!
Today, I wanna do something called 'Spot the Difference'. Rules are no cheating by looking at the comments, and the first one to get it right will get to be an author for my blog if they have blogger and be granted admin priveliges. If you also won shortly after the Grand Prize Winner, you'll be an author too, but you won't be granted admin privileges.

Spot the Difference between the edited Ski Village and the real Ski Village!
The differences do NOT include that I have a member badge instead of a star. I made it a little easy, but there's a tricky one... Good luck! (comment and don't email)


ByakuganHyuuga360 said...

In total there are 7 differences. The contest goes on until I have 10 penguins participating .

Anonymous said...

HEY! i dont have an awnser. but you posted on my site! tank u for posting!!!!!!!!!! ps can i be an author????????

ByakuganHyuuga360 said...

You sure can! Just comment me your email so I can invite you. Hey, don't worry I won't post your comment because it's private. ;-)

Anonymous said...

thank you! will you read this comment? will you meet me on tuesday at 5 o clock on husky? thank you!

Sebastian said...


lip stick on buddy invite
M on moderator sign missing
smoke from ski lodge is black instead of gray

the SLED RACING sign has a exclamation point at the end
Ill email the rest i have to go

ByakuganHyuuga360 said...

cool! nice guesses!