What's going on right now in Club Penguin?

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Card Deck Icon Is Here And A New Note For None Ninjas On The Ninja Door!

After a few days of waiting, Club Penguin has finally released the all-new Club Penguin Card Deck Icon. So if you are in the Dojo Courtyard, Ninja Hideout or Dojo, you can always view how many cards you have and your progress towards the next belt. The icon is on the lower right-hand corner.None-ninja preview:(example)To view your cards, click on the button under your progress bar. For ninjas, it will just say that you are already one and so on. Here is a preview:

None-ninjas, have you noticed a note on the Ninja Door? For ninjas, if you're curious, here it is:
Also, there's a new homepage. If you haven't seen it, look below.Getting ready for the Adventure Party!Have you been working hard for the Dojo Igloo Contest? Tell me about it!

1 comment:

ByakuganHyuuga360 said...

I'm already a ninja, but I got that note because I went on my other account.