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Monday, May 11, 2009

How To Get As Many Coins As You Want

To get as many coins as you want, go to the Coffee Shop and play Bean Counters. Before it says if you want to play, go to your igloo. It will say 'Would you like to play Bean Counters?'. Click 'yes' and start playing. Get as many coins as possible and exit the game. Kepp on closing the game until you have enough coins to keep you satisfied for a while. This is very handy for members, but I warn you. Only try this at your own risk. You can get banned forever. I won't be responsible if you do, it was your choice to follow me. But soon Club Penguin will find out so do it while you have the chance (at your own risk)

1 comment:

ByakuganHyuuga360 said...

I have got more than 40,000 coins using this cheat.