It's Summer right now in Club Penguin, and the catalog has all these fancy swimsuits everyone can wear! Cp also included that hairstyle we voted earlier in May, remember? It's called 'The Electric'. Well, so anyways here are this month's catalog cheats.
To get the Canteen, first go to the 3rd page and click the rock on the left.

Secondly, go to the first page of the Medieval Clothes and click on the stone top right of the King's Head to get the Crystal Staff.

On that same page, click on the window near the Topaz Penguin to get the Woodman's Hat(the one that Robin Hood wears)

Turn to the next page, and click the dragon's Shadow to get the Blue Dragon Costume.

To get the Black Graduation Cap, turn to the next page and click on the left Coffee Cup.

Then go 3 pages after that, and click the intersection between the two spotlights to get the RED Viking helmet.

Open and close it four times to receive the Blue Viking Helmet!

That's all the cheats in this month's clothing Catalog! What's your favourite clothing and background?
Hi Sweet blog! it is the best ive ever seen
Thank-you, but I thought you like Mimo's site better:
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