You said some things were the coolest, so CPT has brought a sneak peak ( a sketch ). There are going to be new stuff too

Its a pic of the Town. Pretty cool actually. This is my first time going. Wonder what that hood is for.. Plus, for members, there will be a quest and there will be a dragon in the Mine. Coolio. The Coffee Shop and Pizza Parlour is fit for the royalty and jesters. Make sure you're wearing Medieval costumes available in the May Catalog! Extra - Wear our crowns and tiaras before you enter the Coffee Shop and Pizza Parlour. I probably might have a party, right now I will tell you the clues, but as I get more penguins, I will slowly make party clues and slowly make them harder.. If you have any ideas for clues comment on any post and I will tell you my detai;ls as credit plus show your site.
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