What's going on right now in Club Penguin?

Saturday, August 1, 2009
Blog Closed
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Hey! im new here!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Spot the Difference Contest!
Today, I wanna do something called 'Spot the Difference'. Rules are no cheating by looking at the comments, and the first one to get it right will get to be an author for my blog if they have blogger and be granted admin priveliges. If you also won shortly after the Grand Prize Winner, you'll be an author too, but you won't be granted admin privileges.
Spot the Difference between the edited Ski Village and the real Ski Village!

June Clothing Caalog Cheats for 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Clothing Catalog Sneaker Peaker and About the Adventure Party!!
Hi there! Sorry I haven't been posting for a while. I've been too busy doing stuff. Well, newais Club Penguin showed us a sketch that can give us an idea about what's in this month's clothing Catalog!

There's the blue wig we chose earlier in May!! Don't forget that will be in the catalog! And, look! A new dress for members. I feel sorry for the nonmembers. Also, Club Penguin announced on their blog about a new party! Uhh.. is it just me, or have they not found out they had blurted it out on the events section? It's on an earlier post that's still on the homepage below-low. They even sort of gave us a hint with the homepage.
See you around penguins!
Monday, June 1, 2009
One Of You Are Very Naughty
Friday, May 29, 2009
Authors Needed

Card Deck Icon Is Here And A New Note For None Ninjas On The Ninja Door!

How The Club Penguin Times Are Made!

I've actually never thought of how hard it is to make the paper. Did you notice the new dot to dot? Check out the paper now!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Adventure Party!

Dojo Iggy Contest!
The Dojo Igloo Contest is about to begin! (During June 1-13) Buy a Dojo Igloo from the Ninja Hideout or use your current igloo and decorate it using your ninja mind!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I Have A New Account To Share!
Today, I will be showing you a new account. It's new, but you can do anything you want to do with it. Here are rules for using this account.
1.Do not ban it, or I will change the password and nobody but me will be allowed to use it.
2.Other people are playing with this account, so only have a little bit of friends so everyone has their own.
3.If you want, you can add a membership to it. It's up to you.
4. You can buy puffles, but take care of them.
5. Enjoy this new account, and treat it as if it isn't yours and you're doing your friend a favour.
Penguin Account Details:
Username: Mim O777
Password: everybody
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
New Club Pengun Sports Catalog Sneak Peek
But, we're talking Club Penguin. Wear some short sleeves to keep yourself from getting too hot. Have some yoga or go swimming to cool you down. Summer can sometimes be irritating. Club Penguin doesn't want you getting hot, so if you need swimming gear real soon, check out the Snow and Sports Catalog on Friday.

Rockhopper's Plants Are Going Wacko!

Penguins, I suggest you get ready. Must take action. Hide! Hide in your igloos behind furniture!! Open your igloos for a while, to let some nonmembers in, then after 10 minutes close them! Lock 'em Hide, hide to save the penguin species!
Let me know for other ways to keep safe from our new found enemies! (dun dun dun) Case closed.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Rockhopper's Story
Rockhopper was drinking something, drinking a barrel of cream soda. Bleagh! So anyways, he was drinking, but then he realised he wasn't drinking cream soda! Can you guess what it was? A barrel of mustard! Double bleagh! He said he should've read the label.
What a weird, short and a little babyish story.
Finally! I Found Rockhopper!

Friday, May 22, 2009
The Famous Pirate Is Back With A Jungle Ship And New Background And Furniture!!!

Also, I want to show you a pic relating to the Jungle Migrator.

Happy77 Talks About The Haunting of the Viking of Opera and Card Jitsu Update

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Migrator Update!

Saturday, May 16, 2009
Medieval Ninja Winner & Dojo Igloo Contest
Most of you were wearing ninja outfits and medieval clothing, but Club Penguin just couldn't choose! But one day, someone named Puffypower23 waddled along and the team were amazed! They knew she was perfect, and chose her as the winner.
Awesome medieval ninja combination! The team has even given her FIVE THOUSAND coins for wowing them! Lucky! I am kind of jealous..
Also, soon on the 1st of June, there will be a cool Dojo Igloo Contest. Start saving your coins, because you are going to need them to spice up your Dojo Igloo! At your own risk, use the coin cheat I gave you on an earlier post to have enough coins. Later in the month, there will be more news about this in the Club Penguin Times.
I don't know about you, but I've gotta start decorating!
Friday, May 15, 2009
May Furniture Catalog Cheats
First, click the Medieval Banner on the first page to get the Penguin Knight Sculpture.
Next, click the bottom of the Poodle Plant to get the Wheelbarrow.
Then click the plant in the Vegetable garden on your right.
After that, click the Electric Guitar Shadow Box to get the groovy disco ball!
That's it?! Same, lame boring ones again. The only thing new is the medieval things. At least that's what's keeping me happy.
Waddle on!
If you have any questions, comment on any post, and I will answer or email me on aclen08@live.com and I will email you back. Make sure to name the subject "A Question".
Thursday, May 14, 2009
New Furni 2mrow!
Medieval lovers, get ready for this!
This upcoming Friday, new Furni Catalog! Sa-weet! Now your castles will really be quack-a-lackin great! Keep your Medieval Spirit alive all the time using these great furniture stuff!
Other interesting things..
There's been some ninja buzz around CP, so since there's a Medieval party right now, medieval ninja outifts will be awesome.
Whatever belt you are, mix and match some medieval ninja outfits! Go wild with style!(Don't overdo it) Comment what you think is in the catalog! Maybe Ninja Medieval outifts or something?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Wig Colour Chosen!
Many of you have decided on one crazy colour for the hairstyle. That's right, BLUE won! In the June catalog, this will be one new hairstyle, so start saving your coins!
How is the Medieval Party going for you? Great? Awesome! Tell me about it! What was your favourite part? Tonnes of penguin are having many snowball fights and are dressing up as wizards, princesses, kings, queens, princess, jokers and all these fantastic people from the Medieval period! How about you?
Waddle on!
Monday, May 11, 2009
How To Get As Many Coins As You Want
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
The Haunting of the Viking Opera - Costume Trunk Cheats
The Costume Catalog has some neat cheats there. Go to the page where Helga sings and click on the little Viking Helmet on the 'g' in the word 'Viking' to get the Red Viking Helmet.

Medieval Party Cheats

1. Down
If you get lost, don't worry. You won't stay in the maze forever because you will end up in a room where they give you hints. Press the big red button for them.