What's going on right now in Club Penguin?

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

New Wig on Friday PLUS Something Special 4 You Readers Out There!

Hey there!
Get out your outfits and rock this month! Club Penguin has a MeDiEvAl wig coming up! Hurray! Ok, maybe, sort of medival, thats what they say. Guess the colour of the wig, before I show you the pic. ... Pictured in your mind what colour it is? I'll show you.. hope you have the thought in your mind.. No Cheating!

. . .

LOL! Did you fall for my trick? I was just doing the guessing thing for fun. There is no colour at all, as you can see! I think it's the colour brown. It reminds me of the prehistoric times. Don't think I am crazy, but I don't mind if you do. Oh, I almost forgot. The surprise has been waiting. CP is trying to get us haveing these wig parties, so I was wondering..


Partay Details:
Day: This upcoming Saturday, 2nd May 2009
Room: My igloo, I am opening it. Name is aclen08
Time: (PST)Look underneath this line. I will have one party for Australians and one for the other countries. If you can come in another party, I don't mind. You can even come to both if possible.

Australia: 6PM PST
Other: Around 3PM PST, I will see to it if it is correct. Sorry this is how early I can get because this is around evening fr you I think, I am in AUS and it's early morning here.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Igloo of the week

Hello penguins!
It's good to see you all happy and well today. Today, I would like to start doing a little something to maybe, not bore you guys. As you may or may not have noticed, we will do something called Igloo of the Week.

Each week, I will choose one member igloo that has been opened on the map, to go on this site. To be a winner, you need to be creative and do something different that can impress me. Your igloo should be neat, and even if it doesn't go with the current Club Penguin theme, it can still be a winner if it is neat and creative. This week, the winner is...

Yeah! It's a really cool igloo, despite of what you say. Hey, maybe I should do multiple igloos, then get you to vote. How about that?Check here weekly for a new igloo! If you also want to win email your pic at aclen08@live.com. Waddle on!

P.S Sorry, I forgot the penguin name! I shouldn't have logged off!

*SORRY FOR LATE NOTICE* Secret Agents and Tour Guides Get Paid!

Sorry for late notice. Secret Agents and Tour Guides will get paid monthly for 250 coins per job. If you are both a secret agent and tour guide, then you get double, which is HALF A THOUSAND COINS!! (500 coins) WOOT! CHEERS! BRAVO! (CLAPS WILDLY) What will you do with your coins? Waste them on buying furniture you don't even need? Buy every single clothing in the catalog?Save them until you get like a million coins?! WHAT WILL YOU DO?!
Waddle on penguins!
P.S. Do you think I overdid it? I think I did because you're only getting 250 or 500 coins. Not a lot anyway.

Friday, April 24, 2009

SLow Motion Penguin

Check out these videos of a lsow motion fall when you do Sled Racing

Medival Partay Sneak Peak

You said some things were the coolest, so CPT has brought a sneak peak ( a sketch ). There are going to be new stuff too

Its a pic of the Town. Pretty cool actually. This is my first time going. Wonder what that hood is for.. Plus, for members, there will be a quest and there will be a dragon in the Mine. Coolio. The Coffee Shop and Pizza Parlour is fit for the royalty and jesters. Make sure you're wearing Medieval costumes available in the May Catalog! Extra - Wear our crowns and tiaras before you enter the Coffee Shop and Pizza Parlour. I probably might have a party, right now I will tell you the clues, but as I get more penguins, I will slowly make party clues and slowly make them harder.. If you have any ideas for clues comment on any post and I will tell you my detai;ls as credit plus show your site.

New Pin - Tree Pin

This is just to tell you the Tree pin (as shown in my pin tracker) is NOT at the Dojo as some of yout suspected, but really, it's at the Dojo Courtayrd. Its on the right side near the red thing.
I try to match it with anything got to do with trees, or something Japanese because it looks like a Bonsai.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Better Igloo Cheat YOUTUBE VIDEO

Heres The Video Below

Please Subscribe To My Youtube Channel By Clicking HERE AND HERE AND HERE.
Ps:Click Only One of them

Happy77's Interview with an Artist

Happy77 interviewed one of the artists to give us a better idea about what's involved in planning furniture fashion around there.

The Interview:
Where do you get your ideas for making furniture and items for igloos?
We love getting ideas from players and it's fun to pay attention to what's going on in the game. If players are saying they want something, we try to make it!

Have you ever considered making couches out of candy?
Yes. I remember there was talk about it around the holidays. So far we haven't but we'll have to wait and see.

What's your fave furniture item of all time?
I really like the Koi Pond because of the animated fish. I have three in my igloo.

The intereview is pretty funnie. Ok, maybe not, but the middle one is.

April-May Furniture Catalog Cheats for CP

The new Furniture Catalog is out and I have the cheats. The first one is a wheelbarrow. You get it by clicking on the lowest bushy thingy as shown below.
Then the next cheat is the Picket Fence. To get it, go to the 3rd gardening page and click on the right corn plant.
Now go to the Page after the green collection and click on the Electric Guitar Shadow Box to get the Disco Ball.
Then go to the Puffle Posters Page and click on the word 'Puffle'.
To find the Ice Table, click the Koi Pond on the next page.
To get the Aquarium, click the Pinata on the second page of Fiesta Fun.
That's all the cheats I found. Did I miss any? Comment to let me know!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Blog owned my >>>>me!!!<<<<

plz cum to my other blog its not a cheats site only secret agents, tour guides, ninjas and newcomers are suppozed to go there. I have made this tour thingy for newcomers. It might also help for tour guides what to say during a tour. I will let you copy my pix from there but you need to ask me first email me at millennium_baby@hotmail.com so that you can ask for permission.

Nintendo Game Available in NZ and AUS! Woot for me and all you out there!

Hello Penguins!

A lot of you have been asking when the Club Penguin DS game will find its way down under, and the Club Penguin Team's been working really hard to make it happen. If you're in Australia or New Zealand, keep your eyes out for the Elite Penguin Force game - it should be available this week!

cpds.jpgIn Other News: There's new igloo furniture coming this week. Check out the plants and gardening gear in the Better Igloos catalog that'll be in your igloos on Friday!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Backgrounds Winner!

CPT tallied the votes and the winner is Choice #3. Well done Choice #3! The background is for May's Catalog for the Medieval Party, which will be held between May 8-17.

Speaking of the Medieval Party.. here is a sneak peek of it!

Guess what room it is and let me know! I think it's in the Book Room. There is also going to be a special place for members... I believe they are making many member things so more people join. Hope you'll enjoy the party!


Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt Cheats (Sorry for the Wait)

First go to the Town and click on the right light on the Night Club.
Secondly, go to the Cove and click on the agg that is floating on a corner of the water.
Thirdly, go to the Mine and hover your mouse over the cart (like when you are about to play Cart surfer except you just don't click it)
Then go to the Dojo Courtyard and click on the right 'lantern'. It is shaped like an egg.
After that, go to the Gift Shop and click on the fuzzy hat above the seats.
Go to Ski Lodge, hover your mouse over the fish bucket and there is the sixth egg.
Waddle to the Ski Hill and click on top of the pole.
Finally, venture to the Beacon, turn the light off by clicking on the switch then click the egg.
Then click to claim your prize which is the Pink Bunny Ears I am wearing right now!
This is the written version of the Egg Hunt Cheats. Farmer Rich posted a video of it on a recent post.

Mimo777's Party Clue #3

Read that little code of his backwards. It will say:What day you say?Take ten plus two subtract four add ten = 18/4/09!

Server I think is Aurora. I said this in an earlier post.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Bring Your Purple Puffle Out to The DancE Contest!

I found this out very strangely. So it all happenned like this. I was walking my purple puffle, and I thought it was a great dancer, my favourite, actually, and went to dance with it in the Night Club. Then I remembered I didn't have a lot of coins, and I wanted to try Hard Level in the Dance Contest. So I went dancing, and I saw the purple puffle there! Like right next to me! I was reeeally happy, because every few seconds it gave me a point! Woot! I will show a pic to prove that. Right now, my Control Print Screen isn't working.

Scavenger Hunt Now On!

Hello Penguins!
The Club Penguin Easter Egg hunt is on, so get together with some friends and search the island!! Some of the eggs will be harder to find than others - but the challenges will be worth it because there's a prize for you at the end... Cheats are below this post.

Let us know what you think of this year's Easter scavenger hunt!
In Other News: The winner of this year's Penguin Play Award Show is Quest for the Golden Puffle and it'll be back at the Stage starting today! If you haven't seen it before, you'll want to check out the play that won 4 out of 5 categories!!

Quest for the Golden Puffle Cheat

Helloooo penguins!
The Best Overall play was Quest of the Golden puffle, right? Because it is, it's at the Stage right now. There is one cheat in the catalog. Click the golden puffle on the first page as shown below (same cheat twice)

Too bad there is only one cheat. Comment and tell me what you think of this!


Friday, April 10, 2009

Clubpenguin cheats VIDEO

Hope You like It

New Pin - Chocalate Bunny Pin

New Pin is Chocolate Bunny Pin located at the Forest on the bottom right corner

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Choose The Background!

You know that Medival Party that was held up last year? It's happening again at May, but CPT needs your help for deciding! In the upcoming May Catalog, they are trying to decide which background to put in. Since they can't decide, they have passed this responsiblity to you.
Your choices are:
Choice #1 Choice #2 Choice #3
To choose, click here and comment. Billybob will be checking the comments to see what you have chosen. Remember, this will go in the catalog!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New Author - Farmer Rich

Hi guys,
I'm Farmer Rich.
I'm A new author

AF Party Gone But Box Dimension Still Here!

Woot! It's still here! Yeah, I know it's not all that exciting, but at least something from the party is still here! CPT told us they'd leave it there for a while, so spend this time wisely and go party there!

Happy77's Coin For Change Update

Aclen08 here. I want to tell you about the recent Coins for Change '08. You guys have done a brilliant job. More than 2.5 million penguins donated more than 3 billion virtual coins! Thanks a lot! The Coins for Change Page has a video of how you helped. You are really good! I thank you again for earning so much coins! How much did you donate?
But Happy77 never leaves the blog without an interview. She spoke to someone on the team who's an expert in global citizenship.

What's the best part of the Coins For Change campaign? Seeing how much penguins around the globe want to make the world a better place!

When have you been the proudest of the Club Penguin community?When they show how much they care for each other and the world around them by giving to something they believe in that will benefit others they don't even know!

If you could tell the community one thing, what would it be?Every single penguin can make a difference in the world when they come together for a common cause - just look what's been done this past Coins For Change!

Comment to tell how much you helped!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mimo777 Latest Clue

Yo! Aclen08 here! (obviously)

I am going to tell you what I think Mimo's clue is about. If you don't know what I am talking about, his site is www.clubpenguingang.com. So, what was I talking about again? Oh yeah, the clue. Anyways, his latest clue is the server (I think). It is Aurora because in the sky is the aurora( a rainbow sky with marvellous colours, most likely to be seen at twilight) (not very bright, but beautiful)

Sorry, I have no idea what his first clue was

Waddle on penguins,

Monday, April 6, 2009

Book Codes

I have got some book codes to share. This comes from Straw000. As credit, I will show her blog on this site. She is really good for codes.

I will do the new books, The Inventor's Apprentice and Secret Agent Handbook.

The Inventor's Apprentice
Page 5, 5 words from the left - Good
Page 7, 7 words from the left - Where
Page 8, 7 words from the left - Round
Page 6, 5 words from the left - Plans

Secret Agent Handbook
Page 5, 4 words from the left (line18) - Decides
Page 5, 6 words from the left - Give
Page 5, 4 words from the left (line 2) - Matter
Page 5, 3 words from the left - Fashions

Sorry, but I'll post the others another day.